My readings

In this section, I share links to articles, blog posts, and books that I've come across. As someone who consumes a lot of technical information, I've found it challenging to keep track of everything I've read and to find specific articles when I need to refer back to them for research or development.

This section serves two purposes for me: first, it helps me to organize my thoughts and better understand the material by summarizing it and condensing it into a few sentences. Second, it provides a way for me to discipline myself by making a daily commitment to reading and summarizing technical content. I hope that my summaries and reviews can also be helpful to others who are interested in these topics.

Readlog: May 7, 2023

Longest Increasing Subsequence

Today, I encountered an interesting problem on LeetCode that required familiarity with the "Longest Increasing Subsequence" algorithm. Although my initial solution, which involved something similar to Monotonic Stack, was enough to pass the tests, I decided to explore the problem more deeply by requesting this subsequence for each element of the array.

David in Sunglasses (generated by DALL-E)

A demo of the approach. Source:

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Readlog: April 27, 2023


David in Sunglasses (generated by DALL-E)

Back in 2019, I used to keep a log of all the articles and posts I read on a daily basis. However, over time, I lost track of my reading habit and struggled to find and recall the information I had previously read. Recently, I decided to revive this daily ritual and start keeping track of my reading again.

I'm excited to kick off this new reading log with sources recommended by my good friend Ben. He's always been a valuable source of information and insights, and I'm eager to explore the articles he's suggested and share my thoughts on them.

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